Monday 13 April 2020

Value of life

As the clock struck 12 , i am entering the life you call adulthood. It’s heart warming getting wishes from your family, friends, teachers, it feels good you know, to be remembered. It was  really a memorable moment to have your birthday celebrated during MCO, (god please part us away from this disease). Even so, at this point of life, I no longer ponder on things I am unable to change,
I’ve come to accept that things won’t go the way you wanted in the end. However, the change is good i must say, the change shapes you, 

The value of life, has it different for each living thing its like an epitome of the definition of happiness. One can value its life only when they lost, one also can value its life when goals are achieved, regardless of whatever the definition is. Everything counts, be it the worse or the best, it counts because that is how life is, 

Only when u realise how far you’ve come, the things you’ve been through. You will value every single thing you’ve done in the process. You will realise how strong you were eventhough there were such vulnerable times. The value of life. The ability having time spend with the ones u love seems very surreal when things back then were hard, but now grab every chance, make moments because life has its way to turn things upside down. Appreciate.

For some, there may be fleeting moments which are unwelcoming at times you are at your darkest, when your thoughts seems to betray you and makes you wander a bit too far. You felt very vulnerable, and the voices bothers you that makes you think you didn’t deserve to live. And maybe you feel like nothing could mend the numbness. Swallow this, you are a fighter, to be able to reach this far proves you deserve all the goodness in this world, never give up on yourself. As how much you are defeated in a game, you didn’t give up, you respawn, you keep fighting and i like to quote this book i read

“ we all get exhausted, we all get discourage, and we are allowed to get through or work on those feelings. Just because you are beaten down and sick of the life u are living, it doesn’t mean you are not making a change. You are exhausted for all the right reasons and its only an indication to go on, it is growth, be it small or big, you are growing”

Lastly, my thoughts and prayers always goes to the front-liners who have been helping those affected, leaving the people they love to perform their responsibilities. Thank you for your sacrifices. You are our hero.

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